Friday, June 19, 2009

Second Update of the Week... Impressive, yes?

Quick testament of the Lord's goodness here: Turns out I did bust a hole in the transmission running over the light pole... but only in the fluid pan. The repair cost $200... about $800 less than we were thinking it would. Definitely an answer to prayer. Was it a small thing? Absolutely. But still, an incredible answer- I needed to be reminded that the Lord cares about small things.

Now, for the meat of the entry.

I just got out of, at least on the outside, might be one of my least productive times of fasting I have ever done. I say this because I really was not all that intentional with prayer, and I even used the time to sow in the flesh by feeling sorry for myself and complaining to myself and all this nonsense. I slept a lot, and did little.

But God (and I do think I owe Davis Ann thanks for showing me the beauty of this phrase) was far more determined to make it good. He gave to me good, good fruit for my little labor. Eric Sims wrote about a sweet revelation that we, through grace, reap life in Christ despite sowing nothing but death in the flesh. I got a little taste of that myself. He showed to me a few areas I have not been obedient in as of late: 1) Waking up to seek Him in the word and prayer 2) Trusting Him fully 3) Being a bold and faithful witness of Christ.

In response, I asked Him for renewed power through the Spirit to do these things with obedience. And guess what? He's giving me that power. And providing opportunities to obey Him. Yes, Jesus answers prayer.

This morning I got up at 5:30 (not my goal but close), and had an excellent time chewing on John 1:14: "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth." Glorious.

Also, I felt the need to pick up Piper's Don't Waste Your Life last night. I've almost read it through again. But this time it's having a much stronger impact. I think I was under some allusion that I had my whole life figured out my senior year, and thus this book seemed trivial at the time. I didn't take it seriously. But the Lord has been using it in beautiful ways for me. I'm seeing now more than ever that I have no idea what I'm going to be doing in a few years. But God- He's got it under control. He'll lead me for the utmost of His glory, and for my utmost satisfaction in Him.

And I've gotten more opportunities to talk about the Lord at work as of late. I don't even really bring Him up most of the time- which is sweet. You'd be amazed at how many here are members of Brook Hills. And my supervisor leads a city wide bible study, and goes to the same church as I do (Valleydale). There's still much spread of the gospel to be done here though- and thus still plenty of opportunity to be led by the Spirit and be obedient.


  1. Perfect verse to be chewing on right before father's day. It was funny-- I stumbled on an article that was something about fathers words of wisdom to their children. Some of them were funny, some were really wonderful, and frankly, some were not good pieces of advice at all.

    Anyway, where I'm going with this is that I think the word becoming flesh is the ultimate depiction of that-- of how God not only gave us this awesome and perfect word, but made it alive and alive in us and with us. Thanks for the reminder. It'll definitely be something I'll be thanking Him for this father's day. =)
